Warm Hubs Merrow Methodist Church (Bushy Hill Drive / Sheeplands Avenue).
List of warm welcome spaces in Surrey.
No 7 Bus route and timetable – from April 2023
Community Highways Volunteers
Please join a group of enthusiastic volunteers to clear footpaths, public benches, and clean street signage within our local area.
Merrow Network and Gardening Project
“Through our work in the community, we have become aware that a large majority of residents struggle to maintain their gardens. This may be due to various factors, e.g. mobility, ill health, isolation or lack of resources. We are keen to establish a gardening network of volunteers within the wards of Guildford, we would like to begin by piloting this in Merrow and if successful we could then branch out to become Borough wide over time.”
Food Bank
Merrow collections at St. John’s Church (porch) OPEN Wednesday and Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Friends of St John’s Church, Merrow
The Friends of St John’s Church in Merrow, seek to assist in maintaining, and preserving the buildings and grounds of the magnificent Grade II listed church in the village of Merrow, for the benefit of the local Community as a whole.
Guildford in Bloom 2021
Results and photograph of MRA’s Bronze Award for Container Garden.
Guildford in Bloom 2019
Powerpoint presentations of the gardens which received awards in 2019.
Guildford Residents Associations
Guildford Residents Association (GRA) aims to bring together residents associations and parish councils from across the borough to share ideas and information and provide a collective voice on matters that we feel are important to the community, such as the Local Plan. GRA was formed in 2012.
The Guildford Society
Respecting the Past and engaging in the Future of Guildford and Environ.
Guildford Vision Group
We want Guildford town centre to be a thriving destination for all its residents and visitors, including a great riverside for all to enjoy.
Surrey Police Web site
Surrey Police Publications
Walking for Health
Join a local walk group. A quick one-hour morning walk with friends and you’ll feel energised and ready to tackle the day.
Links A list of useful links to various other organisations within Merrow area.