Comments on Proposals for Development of Gosden Hill
September 2024
Letter of objection to development East and West of Hatch Lane, Ockham
Boots Pharmacy, Kingfisher Drive, proposed closure – letter of objection from MRA, Angela Richardson & Lib Dems petition.
Comments on planning reference: 23/S/00002; Gosden Hill Farm, Merrow Lane, Guildford, GU4 7LE being a request for an ElA scoping opinion. June 2023
Letter of objection to Upton End development 23/P/00417 May 2023
Merrow Life (issue number 53) covered the development of the Urnfield site on Merrow Downs and our concerns at the lighting proposals that have been approved by a Government Inspector on appeal.
MRA are working within a group, called the Merrow Downs Resident’ Group, with others and specifically local residents and the Downsedge RA to ensure that the development takes place in strict accordance with the conditions and criteria laid down by the Inspector.
You will find further information on Urnfield and the group here
176 Epsom Road 23/P/00139 – Outline Planning Objection Feb’23
Response from the Merrow Residents’ Association on the consultation to the Main Modifications to the DMPs to the Guildford Local Plan Feb 2023
Wisley Airfield planning 22/P/01175 Letter of comment Nov 2022
Debenhans Millbrook planning 21/P/02232 Letter of objection Oct 2022
North Street planning 22/P/01336 Letter of objection Sept 2022
MRA response on St Marys Wharf planning application 21/P/02232
Urnfield – Appeal Letter of Objection Aug 2022
MRA Objection to Proposed Development of Eleven Flats in Holford Road
Video recording of Zoom meeting on 23rd May 2022 about major developments in Guildford presented by K. Meldrum
Improvements to the A3/M25 Junction: Herewith a link to the statement from Balfour Beatty who are commencing work on this improvement in the autumn of 2022 to which reference was made at the MRA Zoom meeting on the 23rd May.
The statement contains a simple image of the improvements.
MRA response to the consultation on GBC’s Development Management Policies
Planning Support
MRA will consider members’ concerns on local planning applications and offer support and advice where appropriate.
Consultation on White Paper ‘Planning for the Future’
MRA’s response to the White Paper “Planning for the Future” 28 Oct 2020
MRA response to the MHCLG consultation
Comments from the Merrow Residents’ Association on some of the questions in the consultation on changes to the current planning system.
MRA responses to the Local Plan
Copies of letters sent to GBC from 2014 to date.
New Parking Restrictions
in Merrow Street, Merrow Street Car Park and Hareward Road.
Issues and Preferred Options Consultation
Response from the Merrow Residents’ Association to the Guildford Borough Council’s Local Plan; Development Management Policies – Issues and Preferred Options Consultation.
West Clandon Neighbourhood Plan
Merrow Residents’ Association’s comment on the West Clandon draft Neighbourhood Plan.
Climate Change comment
Merrow Residents’ Association (MRA) comments on Climate Change, Sustainable Design, Construction and Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
Strategic Development Framework comment
Merrow Residents’ Association (MRA) comment on the Strategic Development Framework, Supplementary Planning Document dated January 2020.
Play Structures at Newlands Corner
Resolution- that the MRA determined at its AGM on the 27th March 2017 that it must do everything possible to dissuade Surrey County Council from spending money on a play trail and any further developments at Newlands Corner since any such spend is not only unnecessary but also wasteful.
Clandon Golf Site
Merrow Residents’ Association letter of objection about the proposal from the Trustees of the Clandon Estate that the 146 acres of the Clandon Estate, now occupied by Clandon Golf, should be removed from the Green Belt in the next edition of the draft Local Plan.