Proposed Development in Holford Road
We have been contacted by many concerned members regarding a proposed development of eleven flats, after the demolition of one house in Holford Road on the east corner of its junction with the Epsom Road.
The planning application has attracted many objections submitted within just a few days of its publication and we will be adding a representation from the MRA. We are still developing our response but the key issues appear to be:
1) The proposed development is massively overbearing and of an inappropriate design. The application statement makes much of the attempt to reflect the Victorian style of nearby properties on the Epsom Road and High Path Road but has little regard for the fact that the development is in Holford Road which is characteristically 1930s style. We note that the proposed building protrudes beyond the established building-line in Holford Road, further enhancing its overbearing dominance.
2) The proposed underground car-park falls short of the current GBC parking provision standards and would lead to regular overspill parking in Holford Road for its residents and visitors. Access to the car-park is from Holford Road and near the junction with Epsom Road which we consider would be dangerous and an inevitable congestion catalyst at busy times.
The application can be viewed online here:-
This is a major development, for which over 20 objections would require determination by GBC’s Planning Committee if the case officer were to recommend approval. Local Councillors, therefore, make the final decision in such a case.
Comments on the application can be submitted online on the GBC Planning Website or by letter to:
Ms Lisa Botha
Planning Case Officer
Guildford Borough Council
The MRA Executive Committee would like to hear Members’ views to help shape our response.
Andrew Strawson
Chairman, Merrow Residents’ Association