Introducing your community voice.

We are a voluntary association that has worked to preserve the identity of Merrow, its community and history for over 50 years.

• We represent local views on many issues that affect Merrow’s residents including planning applications, local amenities and services. We also combine efforts with other organisations to protect our environment.

• We keep members informed of local issues via newsletters, e-mails and website updates, and each year hold two social evenings with guest speakers. We are also keen to hear your concerns and views.

• We welcome new members from all over Merrow, especially those from
Boxgrove, Bushy Hill and Merrow Park where we are under-represented.
Increasing our membership will make our community voice stronger.

Email Secretary

Executive Committee 2022-20223 




 Chair Andrew Strawson
 Vice-Chair Keith Meldrum
 Treasurer Dave Smith
 Secretary Henriette Whitehead-van Prooije
 Environment Officer Stephen Rudd
 Membership Secretary Claire Rymell
 Publicity Officer Vacant
 Committee Members Chris Holliday, Lorna Seymour, John Pitkin, Denise Hilton, Clare McVicker
  ZoomMaster Gordon Farquharson,
 Webmaster Dave Smith