MRA assists members in several aspects of GBC planning matters. These include:
- Providing guidance about GBC’s planning processes, including Permitted Development and the recent new rules from September 2020.
- Reviewing local planning applications regularly and bringing to members’ attention those which have a significant impact in Merrow.
Planning applications can be viewed on the GBC website …
Information and guidance, which might be helpful:
- Planning applications are considered by a Case Officer and always in consultation with local Ward Councillors. During the process, if more than 10 comments are made by the public, for or against, the decision for approval/refusal will be put before the Planning Committee. If it’s a new development, not just an extension or single home, 20 comments would be required. Planning Committees are open to the public.
- Once a decision is made by whichever means, it can only be appealed by the applicant in the event of refusal. Approvals cannot be appealed by objectors.
- When the build commences, it’s always advisable for neighbours to be vigilant about any deviation from the approved plans, or the conditions upon it. The Case Officer can assist if any concerns are raised.
- Not all new extensions to existing homes require a planning application. Under the new rules of Permitted Development, a process goes through GBC called Prior Approval. This means that adjacent neighbours will be informed, but the decision is “fast tracked” by GBC without the formal process above.
MRA involvement:
- Members can seek assistance from the MRA Committee and we will consider whether we should be involved in the process and if there’s any cause to intervene with a planning matter. Each case is different and hopefully members will read the guidance on the GBC website, as mentioned above.
- Please email with details of any planning matter, which is causing concern.