To join Merrow Residents’ Association

Pay by Bank Transfer:- please email for sort code and account number. Then please copy and paste this form into an email to


Print this form (right mouse click) and send it to:

  The Treasurer MRA,
  6 Swaynes Lane,
  Guildford GU1 2XX.

 with your Cheque:- payable to “Merrow Residents’ Association“.

I enclose * my subscription of   £6 per household for 1 year    * Full   /   *  Associate membership
  or £4 per individual for 1 year    * Full  /  *  Associate membership

(* Full members live or work within Merrow)

  I am paying by Bank Transfer * / Cheque *          ( * delete as appropriate)

  Name (s) ………………………………………………………………………………………


  Address ………………………………………………………………………………………


………………………………………………………………Postcode GU ………………………

  Tel. No. 01483 …………………………………


  If you wish to be notified of events / local issues, send an email with your name and postal address to and you will be added to the MRA emailing list.

  PLEASE READ THE PRIVACY POLICY ON OUR WEBSITE for details of how we store your personal details. Unless you state otherwise, you will receive information from MRA of Legitimate Interest only.